I am excited to announce that I'll be a featured artist at RAW: Revolution in San Francisco May 8th. RAW showcases local artists from several different mediums, including visual art, music, photography, dance, etc. I was selected, as one of the visual artists, to display my artwork for the showcase. I will also be revealing a new painting at the show. Once again, the showcase will be Thursday May 8th at 7pm. 1015 Folsom St. San Francisco.RAW is an outstanding platform for artists and I've been very impressed working with them so far. They've been so great helping promote, not just the event, but myself individually. As a RAW artist, they set me up with my own artist page here. As part of the promotion, I'm responsible for selling 20 tickets to the show, so if you're able to come support, you can purchase your $15 ticket from my artist page. Be sure that "FATKID" is selected as the artist you're supporting. Thanks! I hope to see you there. Feel free to share with all friends and family. Never ever grow up!- Dru