Thank you once again to everyone that came out to support my showing at the RAW event last Thursday. Each and every one of you made it a special night for me.I got to the city around 3pm to start setting up my booth. Jenna got there around 4pm to help, and it's a good thing she did, because I don't think I could've hung all my artwork without her help and I'm too antisocial and shy to ask for help, so I would've just been that awkward guy struggling and probably dropping and damaging my own paintings. It would've been horrible. So thank you.

1015_FATKID_10 I spy Shaka Mouse tank tops?!? Yup, those will be available in the online shop very very soon.

1015_FATKID_1 I think my booth was definitely the loudest and most rowdy, so thank you everyone for at least bringing people to my booth to see what all the commotion was about

1015_FATKID_2 Family & friends. Your support is a blessing and never goes unappreciated. Thank you.

1015_FATKID_31015_FATKID_41015_FATKID_51015_FATKID_6 Represent!

1015_FATKID_71015_FATKID_8 My Mom loves clubs!

1015_FATKID_9 Each artist was given the opportunity to give a minute long plug about their art. I declined. The whole shy, antisocial thing... But then Jenna accepted! She did a great job speaking on stage on my behalf. I see you Red Pants.

1015_FATKID_11 And then BC was like "Dude or chick?" and I'm all like "I don't know!!"I love San Francisco. Never ever grow up!- Dru


