Liam's bonnet is on backwards. It's on backwards because when worn correctly, Jenna said it made him look too girly. As my brother pointed out, I think the lace dress that flows all the way to the floor might have a little to do with him looking girly. The bonnet's the least of his worries.In all seriousness, Liam was baptized this past Saturday at Holy Spirit Church and I couldn't have been prouder. He performed flawlessly. No crying, calm as a cucumber. He even got a laugh out of the crowd with a perfectly timed spitting sound effect just as the priest was explaining that he was blessing the water. Liam's Grandmother, Jenna's Mom, made his dress and bonnet almost 30 years ago. It was the same garments Jenna wore for her baptism. The smaller dress worn underneath was mine, so it was nice for him to be wearing something from both his parents.Liam, Jenna and myself would just like to thank everyone, especially all of this Godparents, for being there for us and for all of your love and support. Great job Liam! Welcome to the Catholic Church. You had no choice.Never ever grow up!- Dru