Welcome to the brand new FATKID website. I'm definitely proud of the way it came out and hopefully it will provide a better experience for you, the user. The old site was dated to say the least. In addition to the improved look of the site, there's just a couple new features I wanted to point out. I've added a new responsive side navigation menu located in the top right corner of the web page.Simply click the menu icon and the sidebar will appear where you can navigate through the different pages of the website, including the online shop. You can also find the most recent blog posts located here so that you can view them from any page on the site. In addition to the side navigation, you can also find links to all pages, store products and social media at the bottom footer of each page.
I've also improved the image gallery with larger hi-res images of each painting and sketch. This website is about my artwork and I wanted it to be presented in the best way possible. Hopefully you enjoy the new viewing gallery as much as I do.
That about does it. So come on in, stay awhile. I hope you like what you see and I look forward to sharing more new artwork with you coming soon.Never ever grow up!- Dru