Last weekend we took Liam and joined a bunch of family for an outing to The Academy of Science in San Francisco. Liam's current favorite movie in the rotation is Finding Nemo and he's shown an affinity towards turtles lately, so we thought it would be a great trip to make over the 3 day weekend. We were right! Liam loved every bit of the Academy. Starting with the dinosaur bones when you first walk through the doors.We started off walking through the "rainforest". It was hot. And humid. But pretty cool. I could've spent a much longer time in there if it wasn't so hot and humid. They had a variety of lizards, snakes, birds, butterflies...
...and frogs!! Or toads I guess.
A big attraction was the Philippine Coral Reef. I thought it was kind of boring, although I couldn't really hear from where I was standing but it was cool for about 5 minutes.
Liam always tenses up in Finding Nemo when he knows the divers are about to take Nemo away from his Dad. I was curious to see how he would react to these divers, but he seemed to love it.
Liam was hesitant at first to touch the Star Fish, but once he got over the fear, he wouldn't stop playing with them. We had to eventually drag him out of there.
This is a big ass fish. Let me capitalize that because I believe Big Ass Fish is its scientific name.
There is a story behind this Alligator. I may or may not come back to this.
LUNCH BREAK!!!! Heisman pose, Go!
Cousins... and non cousins in the background kind of ruining the photo.
After lunch I spilled Liam's yogurt all over himself but mostly on me. Then he pooped. Then he got to touch this snakeskin.
Big Ass Stingray of the species Dasyatis thetidis.
We probably saved the best for last, and that was the Penguin feeding. It was delightful.
Okay, so I think the story goes something like I told Jenna I thought I had a dream as a child about looking down into this large pit that was full of reptiles. She's like, "Yeah, that's the Academy of Science where they have an Albino Alligator". I'm like, "No, you're wrong, it was just a dream. There's no such thing as an Albino Alligator. You're crazy." Then she's like "Yes there is! At least, I think there is. Maybe I am wrong? Maybe I imagined it too?"Then we go to the Academy of Science and yada yada yada, here's a nice family picture:)
Liam's either looking up at the dinosaur bones or he's doing the thing Steph Curry does after he hits a 3.
After the Academy we spent some time next door at the amphitheater park. Here's Liam throwing pennies/rocks into the wishing fountain with cousin Jacob. Jacob is an outlaw.
Good times San Francisco.Never ever grow up!- FATKID