Liam's been going to gymnastics at Bay Aerials once a week in Fremont for a little over a month. I've been pretty impressed with how well he's done following instructions and listening to his teachers because at home, well, he doesn't listen to us at all. It's been a great way for him to get out some of his energy while allowing him to be a bit adventurous and daring in a safe environment.As I was saying, Liam does a great job - for the most part - listening to his teachers. The following video is not most parts. As the rest of the students, mostly age 2-3, were going through their station, Liam wandered off to the foam pit, as he often does when he starts to get a little bored.[video width="720" height="405" mp4=""][/video]This platform is probably about a 3-4 foot drop. After I held his hand for the first 5 jumps, he wanted to jump all by himself. At the last second he changed his mind and needed a hand, but still more fearless than I'm sure I was at 2.
My favorite part of the day is after his class is over and we stop by the Daily Bagel Cafe for breakfast (A hidden gem in Fremont by the way. Fresh bagels, doughnuts and delicious breakfast sandwiches). Liam gets a chocolate milk and a blueberry muffin. I order an egg and bacon sandwich on a croissant. This day they ran out of chocolate milk so he tried pink bunny milk for the first time. My personal favorite and he loved it of course.We sit and I enjoy my sandwich. But the real enjoyment is in watching him. He guzzles his milk, and he concentrates on picking out each blueberry and eating them individually. A $12 breakfast has turned into a priceless tradition. Soon, on the drive home he'll fall asleep for his afternoon nap and I can't help but think to myself how awesome it must be to be 2.Never ever grow up.- FATKID