Take Me Away
Inspiration comes in all forms. When my son was 3 years old, he scribbled something on his whiteboard. Something about the shape of his scribble drew me in. So I asked him what he just drew. "A giraffe riding a whale", he replied. "A giraffe riding a whale", I repeated. And just like that, an idea for a painting was born. Sometimes it’s as simple as that. And sometimes, ideas cultivate over years of thought. That’s one of the things I love about art. You never know where your inspiration will come from.
Here’s Liams drawing of a giraffe riding a while:
As I've come to complete this painting, it's taken on an added meaning. More than just a giraffe riding a whale. You see, I started this painting just a few weeks before the first case of the Coronavirus hit the U.S. and as I've continued to work on it while being sheltered in place, I've started to see the painting through the eyes of the Giraffe. By now, we all just want to get away from this place of fear, anxiety, and isolation. We all need an escape, and here's hoping our whale comes for us sooner, rather than later.
Take Me Away. 16” x 20”. Acrylic on canvas.
Never ever grow up!