The Protector
Last Christmas, or possibly two Christmas’ ago, or maybe it was my birthday? I can’t remember, but anyway, it doesn’t matter when it was. What’s important is that my Mom asked me to paint her a portrait of St. Francis. I didn’t ask her why she wanted a portrait of St. Francis, but I did ask her if I could paint him however I wanted. To me, I’ve always seen St. Francis as yes, a religious figure, but also as this — mythical character. He was known to speak to the animals and to preach to the birds, even making deals with wolves. I see him as this surveyor of the wilderness, protector of the forests. So it’s only fitting that when you find yourself surrounded by the dangers of the high mountain forests, you seek shelter behind the Shield of St. Francis. No one knows the origin of the shield, just that it’s been passed down from generation to generation for centuries. That and the one that wields the shield, by forest law, becomes anointed by God as the protector of all things good and pure. Did you know, stained glass becomes absolutely unbreakable and impenetrable when touched by God. Legend has it, that’s why so many churches, monasteries, and cathedrals, going as far back as the 7th century, started including stained glass windows in their architecture. It was believed to keep evil spirits from entering. Oh, that and the light that shines through stained glass is said to have healing powers. That’s also totally true. Anyway, with all that being said, I’m happy to share with you, The Protector.
The Protector. 24”x24”. Acrylic on funny shaped wood panel.
Never ever grow up!