When I first started conceptualizing what FATKID would be and what kind of world it would inhabit, Saluté was the first idea for a painting that I had. In building up my body of work, I always kept this painting in mind. To me, it perfectly embodies what FATKID is about. It's simply bringing your childhood with you into adulthood. I embrace and cherish the challenges and responsibilities that adulthood brings. My first painting coincided with getting married to my beautiful wife Jenna. My first art show came less than a month before our first child was born. Growing up is inevitable, but life just seems to be better if you can keep a child-like heart.So in Saluté, I'm literally bringing my childhood friends with me to a pub. Drink and be merry!One last trivia tidbit on this piece. Last call was 2am, but they kept the party going after hours. It's 3:14am in the painting. I chose 3:14 because when I was in college, myself and 2 of my best friends, whom shall remain nameless, started a rap group. We called ourselves 314 after the California penal code for indecent exposure. We rapped about gangster ass things on our parents' gangster ass karaoke machine over gangster ass beats. It was horrible and amazing all at one time... kinda like getting hammered with the Muppets at your local pub. Saluté!Saluté. 48" x 36". Acrylic on canvas. 11"x14" Saluté prints are available in the online shop.All original paintings and sketches are for sale. For all inquiries, please email me at info@fatkidart.comNever ever grow up!- Dru