You thought this was a joke? I'm dead serious about my Rainbow Chip frosting. My son will not grow up in a world without Betty Crocker Rainbow Chip frosting. And good people like Benjamin Johnson are doing their part to make sure this doesn't happen.He has created a petition to bring back Rainbow Chip frosting and we all need your help. He's asking for 5,000 signatures and you best believe I've signed already.And now, a message from our spokesperson... "Hi everybody! Please sign this petition so I can grow up eating cake frosted with this sugary goodness with tiny bits of magic in every bite. Thank you!"I had a feeling I might have an extra tub somewhere hidden in the back of my cupboard. I was beyond ecstatic when I found it. Nevermind the "best by" date was December 2013. It will not go to waste!!Never ever grow up!- Dru